Transcript for Audio – Book Review RatBurger

Book Name: Ratburger

Author: David Walliams

Reviewer: Kaanchi Jain

Star Rating: 5/5 

Hello! My name is Kaanchi Jain and today I will be reviewing the book RatBurger by David Walliams. For a star rating I would give it 5 stars because it holds a very big adventure and it’s really exciting and it is quite funny in some parts of the story. Some parts you might as well get scared but it’s a really big adventure in the book. 

This is the book Ratuburger, David Walliams is the author. Let’s look at some characters. So there are quite a lot of characters in this book. This is Zoe, a little girl. She goes to a boring school, but she finds a creature hiding in her room at night time. And she calls that creature Armitage. Armitage will take her on a very scary and dangerous adventure. And Armitage might as well get hurt, but will Zoe save Armitage in time? And how will Zoe save Armitage? Read the book to find out!

And then we have Bert a burger van man. There is a little secret to Bert. And Sheila is quite rude to Zoe and Sheila is Zoe’s step-mother. And Dad is very upset and he used to be quite happy. And this is Tina trucks, a bully, and she does something really bad to Zoe every morning when Zoe goes to school. And Zoe finds a little secret about Tina as well. This is Mr. Grabe, the Headmaster. He is not really a main character in the story. This is Ogur, a terrifying teacher and this is Gingernut, a dead hamster. And there is a reason in the book why Gingernut is dead. That is Armitage, the rat Zoe finds hiding in her room. And this is Raj, an amazing news agent. Well, he is not amazing but he is in most of the David Walliams books. And I think Raj is one of the main characters, because he is always there. He is a big jolly newsagent and I think he is quite lovely. 

I think people aged 7+ plus should read the book, and adventure lovers, and ofcourse people who love reading books. Because it’s quite a long story. And I believe it is quite a good book for people to read and this book has quite a lot to do with rats. And if you don’t like rats, I would say, you can read this book if you would like, but I don’t believe you should read this book if you don’t like rats.

Thank you and Bye!